30 August 2010

Alaska Digest - Monday, 8/30/10

Like any tools, sometimes guns are misused:
Two Hoonah police officers were ambushed, shot and killed by a suspect who Sunday night was still barricaded in his home on Front Street in the Southeast Alaska community of about 850 people, according to Alaska State Troopers.
As of 8:00 a.m. Monday, he remained barricaded at home. Having relinquished his right to participate in modern society, I'd say that whatever means the State Troopers use to root him out is justified, as long as the neighbors are safely out of the way.

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Most often, they're not:
An intruder was shot and killed early Sunday during a home-invasion robbery, Anchorage police say. "There were several suspects involved," police Lt. Dave Parker said. "One was shot and the others ran away."
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Color me surprised, but the Alaska Journal of Commerce, typically a BIG supporter of the current administration, published a very conservative piece entitled "Protecting Alaska's freedom from federal and state governments". Excerpt:

In the early 1980s, Gov. Bill Egan told me one day that Alaska's biggest future challenge would be facing down a "predatory federal government." Most current candidates for governor agree that we are in a war with the federal government.

~ snip ~

How do "we" protect free enterprise in Alaska? First, we identify the adversary of free enterprise and the Alaskan pioneering spirit. The adversary today - indisputably - is big government and its supporters, including a litigious, well-funded army of environmental activists and their allies."

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Joe Miller agrees with me*:
Joe Miller, the surprise leader in Alaska's unresolved Republican Senate primary, said Sunday that the growing national debt requires "belt tightening" that should include cutting back on federal dollars that his state receives.

~ snip ~

"The government is going bankrupt. I don't think anybody can deny it," he said in an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday. "I think the answer to this is to basically transfer the responsibilities and power of government back to the states and the people. That is really the only answer, I think, out of this crisis."

* Not that it means anything.

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