04 August 2010

Small World & Other Things

There are lots of people in Alaska who blog, but they are notoriously, shall we say, publicity-shy. I've only met one (UpinAK, a prolific conservative political observer), although I've traded on-line comments with some, and e-mailed a few others.

I had the good fortune of meeting one in the latter two groups yesterday. Jenny is a charming Celtic lady (there's something about those red-headed bloggers) who posts the most fascinating stuff ... go on over to A Call To Wings and give it a look. You'll be glad you did.

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It's solidly overcast & raining this morning. That prevented us from seeing the oh-no-we're-gonna-die auroral display predicted to occur because of the sun's coronal mass ejection. But the alarm clock went off as expected, and the lights worked. Cable news was still on, and no one mentioned this "OMG if we didn't have a magnetic field we'd all be DEAD DEAD DEAD" non-event.

Kindly restrain your panic and go about your regular, everyday lives. Nothing to see here; move along.

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I noted that gas prices leapt to to $3.43/gallon this morning. Readers to the south (Vancouver and beyond) may be way too hot, but at least your gas isn't sky high.

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When you stop at a coffee kiosk on the way to work, that typically implies you're on a schedule. Verily, it doth therefore puzzle me why the barista thinks customers need an explanation of the long face & grim expression she is displaying for all the world to see.

Must be a liberal, sharing the misery equally. I'll get my coffee elsewhere from now on.


Home on the Range said...

I have a picture Oleg gave me, with Jenny and Tam and John and a bunch of big knives. We all intersect in surprising ways.

She's the best.

Jenny said...

Oh, that was fun.

Gosh, that face is familiar. If only he were a hundred pixels wide, he'd look just like..... Paul?


B - I remember that trip! That was the time John showed me just how awesome at woodsy stuff the kukri is! That man sure knows his sharp and pointies. One of these days I hope to catch up with y'all down there.

P - Pity about the overcast. I was kind of hoping we'd get a light show.