08 August 2010

Sunlight & Bear Stories - Must Be the Weekend

It's 55 degrees this morning, but the skies are mostly clear (!!) and the sun is shining brightly. That's been a rare enough event this summer that it deserves the opening paragraph. Never mind that AccuHunch predicts rain for the rest of the upcoming week ... it's sunny now, and that's all that matters.

* * * * *

Local bears are nothing if not persistent. Anchorage PD had to kill three of them on Saturday, after a sow and her three cubs repeatedly attempted breaking in to a Stuckagain Heights home. The third cub got away into the nearby woods while police killed the sow which was busily tearing down the residence's back door, and the other two cubs - one on the deck, and one on the roof. Click here for the whole story & pictures.


Teresa said...

Wow - scary. I wonder why the persistence.

Oh and so glad you have sunshine. Last summer we had all the rain so this year we have almost none... figures. LOL.

Cassie said...

Wow! Bears on a rampage. It is a sad thing that they had to be killed. I wouldn't want it scratching down my door though.