The news continues to focus on Joe Miller's slim lead over Lisa Murkowski. To very quickly recap, the State sent out 16,000± absentee ballots. To date, only some 7,800 have been returned. By law, they must wait until 8/31 to begin counting those. They have until Sept. 8 to finish the count, and to verify or disqualify all disputed ballots. And Sept. 8 is when we'll get the final numbers. Until then, *yawns*... give it a rest, talking heads? Please?
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The Alaska State Fair opens at noon today, and just like clockwork, there's a storm front moving in from the west. After all, you can't really have the Fair until the mud is at least ankle-deep ... can you? It's traditional, and Alaskans are nothing if they're not holding fast, teeth gritted, to tradition. (That also helps to explain why so many State incumbents received the majority in yesterday's primary.)
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The day dawned clear and bright, making this the ninth straight sunny day. After 32 days of gloom and rain, we're grabbing all the light we can get. We have to face facts: there could be snow on the ground in two months.
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Speaking of the election, there's a letter to the editor in today's paper reporting the "mysterious" changing of party affiliation on some voters' registration. Better check those for accuracy, folks - November's coming fast.
I... um.... can't imagine what might have made people disgusted by the "R"s to change their affiliation on the eve of the primary. It suppose it to be one of those mysteries we'll never truly understand.
Fair time!
can haz sunny weekend plz?
Sunny weekend is okay with me. I'll see what I can do. ;)
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