18 August 2010

What If You CAN'T Bug Out?

The latest meme seems to be about having a carbine in your bug-out bag ... but I have a question.

Since Anchorage is all but landlocked, with only the one road leading into/out of town, we can go north into the interior or south onto the Kenai Peninsula (in itself a dead-end, travel-wise) ... but what if you can't get out of town?

In my case, living on the south side of town, the chances of getting out to the north are slim-to-none. What about preps for staying put, and fending off the zombie hordes?



PolyKahr said...

Rev. Paul,

I am curious to see what folks might come up with too. After all, what if you are injured, or you have small children, or you are handicapped. What then?

Best wishes, and God bless,

Lawyer said...

Hmmm... I'm going to have to give this some thought. In my area, if someone hiccups on the interstate, traffic will be backed up for ever. At the first sign of the need to bug out, it may be too late.

Teresa said...

My husband and I were considering this question as we are well into researching new vehicles. One argument for the Jeep Wrangler... it goes off road very nicely. Might come in handy at some point - you never know.

However, since it is impossible to be prepared to leave at the drop of a hat 100% of the time, it's best to make plans to only leave if you absolutely must.

The nice thing about sticking where you are is being able to stockpile supplies in the house. Food, water, ammo... all right there, ready to use giving you have time to plan your strategy. Far easier than having a "go bag" with all the essentials and bugging out without a clear plan and no idea where all the zombies might be...

The Farmer said...

I have some agreement here with Teresa. Part of your question dealt with if you can't leave. Which means having some prior supplies in place. The thing with living Rural or in remote regions, even if those regions are "urban", you are more likely to have goods in store for a least a couple of weeks minimum, just for everyday living. Being armed with more than one choice there is likely and desired. The other part of your question, carbine or no carbine, is really two part. What are you running from, and where are you going? If dealing with a zombie invasion(large scale riots)and you must evac, Then you may benefit from a rifle to provide security for your group.(I do believe in small groups for this sort of thing). If you are being temporarily displaced due to, lets say a wild fire, and you need to evacuate to a shelter or some other area of your choosing, then a rifle will likely draw unwanted attention, where a pistol will largely go unnoticed. So in short have a go bag, use the principle two is one, and one is none, and have handy your plan of egress for some basic "likely" scenarios, then arm yourself accordingly. A carbine would likely be my second or third choice for my region. I would worry less about protection then I am about getting food. A small caliber rifle or light shotgun or a combo of the two would be a first choice, for getting the abundant small game in my area. But I'm pretty much top of the food chain in this area. No bears to worry about.
The principle of a go bag is to have some basic items o help you survive until you can reach an area of safety, in which then you can regroup and supply yourself accordingly. This should be part of your plan.

DR said...

This is a subject me and my wife have been discussing for a long time. We are in a good area now if we had to exit quickly, however we have been weighing the benefits of living more secluded versus a small town where you can band together. Of course, it would depend upon with situation was happening.

As for the benefits of a carbine, I think it is always handy to have a rifle or shotgun for either hunting food or protecting you family; whether it be from human or animal.