27 September 2010

Morning Snow & a Bit o' Common Sense

It was 23 degrees at my place this morning, and there's 'termination dust' on the mountains ... the first harbinger of winter. As always, you may click to enlarge the pics.

In other news, in a stunning example of now-uncommon sense, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Walker announced, via his Facebook page, that he will NOT launch a write-in campaign for the November election.  Unexpected this was (/Yoda voice), but welcome.


Teresa said...

"termination dust"? Hmmm... Okay... but really terrific pictures. LOL.

Rev. Paul said...

"Termination dust" - the original meaning has been lost, but here are those considered likely:
a) the end of summer
b) dusting of snow near the peak ("terminus") of the mountain
c) that which makes the cheechackos (greenhorns) saddle up & high-tail it for the Lower 48, thereby terminating their Alaskan adventure

I suspect (a) is the most likely. Folks used to be more literate than they are, these days.

Teresa said...

Folks used to be more literate than they are, these days.

LOL that was my first thought on a definition, but then I decided might be something else. And you are so right about literacy.