21 September 2010

Random Notes

I've been so busy lately that I've not had time to do much blogging beyond the current "what were the Founders thinking" series. Politics, shmolitics ... it's time to talk about something else, even if just for a moment.

First note, in case you've not seen it elsewhere: Did It My Way passed away on 7/29/10. The family of this prolific leaver-of-comments on many blogs, Tony Cassise, has a link to his memorial at his website. If you've read his posts, or traded comments with him as so many have, please go there & let his family know. I know that we are all diminished by the loss.

Most of what's in the local paper revolves around the November election; that's politics again, so ... not tonight.

Sitka, Alaska is a destination for many cruise-ship passengers each summer, but - up until now - they've lacked a dock large enough at which the bigger ships could berth. It seems they've decided to build a 1,000 foot dock for those liners, in hopes that the ships will then use it. In a twist of the "Field of Dreams" catchphrase, Sitka is asking, "If we build it, will they come?"

If you're looking for an Alaskan's review of Bristol Palin's dancing on "Dancing With The Stars", you'll have to look elsewhere. Ms. Palin seems to be a nice young lady who's made some bad choices ... as young folks are wont to do ... but has the fortune of strong parents who have stood by her in spite of horrendous negative public pressure. As far as the dancing goes ... nothing negative here, folks; I'm just not interested.

Believe it or not, that's all the non-political news that I think would be of the slightest interest to anyone Outside. The rest (police reports, house fires, traffic/construction issues, the odd homocide) are purely local in nature.

Weather-wise, we've had a warm-ish fall day with a high (so far) of 56, mostly cloudy but with some sun, and no precip in Anchorage. Not bad for September. The leaves are fairly turned, although there's still some green, and they're falling at an increasing clip these days. I don't mind the onset of winter nearly as much as minding the end of the all-too-brief summer season.

A month from now, we'll all be putting the snow tires back on, where they will stay until late April or early May.


DR said...

I don't know why anyone watches Dancing with the Stars no matter who is on. Give me Warehouse 13 or a good book over that any day.

Rev. Paul said...

I'm already upset that Warehouse 13's new season ends (and so soon!) tomorrow night. If it weren't for that show, Eureka, and Top Gear, I'd barely watch any TV at all.

Okay, I watch Glenn Beck, too. But that's about it.

DR said...

I know what you mean. I am addicted to Eureka and the season finale of Wharehouse 13 tonight was incredible. Though, now I am mad; I just read that it hasn't been picked up for a third season yet.

Teresa said...

I really must find Eureka's back series, I've never watched it and I feel deprived. We do watch Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations. You have to love a guy who is so incredibly un-PC. He cracks me up. Otherwise there is Top Gear and Chuck (because I adore Adam Baldwin).

As for Dancing and all the other shows like that - I just can't bring myself to watch them. I dislike everything except maybe the final dances. But there's so much extra baggage before they even get there - I just don't care. So even though I heard about Bristol, I couldn't dredge up sufficient enthusiasm to watch.