04 October 2010

All the News That Fits, We Print

With the recent concentration on wading through the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, it seems I've neglected the Alaska news updates that a couple of readers enjoy. At least, a couple have e-mailed to ask when more news will appear here.

How 'bout now?

  • Yesterday, it was a bit windy (24 mph gusting to 39, but the changes were abrupt). Two doors down, a tree fell on a neighbor's shiny new pickup. A shame, that; the pick'em-up was purty. I had turned off the computer by the time the winds came through, and so didn't check to see how hard the wind was blowing, but the birch trees in our yard were lurching rather alarmingly each the gusts hit them.
  • The Alaska GOP is suffering significant internal disputes over the whole Joe Miller/Lisa Murkowski/Tea Party melee. Probably about time some fresh air blew through GOP HQ ... those guys are bit stuffy, for my taste. At any rate, the Tea Party Express has offered continued support for Miller. 
  • The local news reports that "undeclared" and "Republican" registrations are on the increase in Alaska. That's a good thing, too.
  • The paper reports that an empty school bus was damaged yesterday when it struck a moose.  I'll assume the bus was being driven at the time ... nevertheless, the collision didn't do the moose a lot of good, either.
  • A couple of brothers from Ohio were whalin' away on each other, until one knifed the other. They were fighting over ... well, over whatever brothers get drunk and argue about. We regret they had to bring their issues all the way up here before Brother A was hospitalized and B was jailed.  Leave it at home next time, gentlemen.
  •  A letter-writer to the editor in today's paper takes her fellow Democrats to task for saying they'll vote for Murkowski. She thinks it's a shame to lose a chance to put another Dem in the Senate because of ... well, Democrats. I think it's larf-worthy.
  • Another writer takes both Murkowski and said newspaper to task, telling them to stop with the innuendo and accusations of wrong-doing without a shred of evidence to back it up. The money shot, though, is this: "Someone tell Lisa that this is what losing is."

There; that ought to hold you until next time. :)

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