06 October 2010

Friends Old and New, with Coffee on the Side

We made it all the way to 48 degrees this afternoon, with another day of sunshine. Since the forecast yesterday and today was for rain, the two sunny days have been extra-enjoyable. To be fair, I drove to work in a rain/snow mix this morning before 7:00, when the temp was 37, but that ended by sunrise.

The snow has come marching back down the mountainsides again, due to the early rains. It seems that winter is trying to arrive a bit more quickly than usual; this elicits a chorus of both cheers and groans, locally. I still haven't figured out why people who don't like snow stick around the place; this being Alaska, snow is ... inevitable.

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Peter, Miss D, and Jenny for lunch. It was a delightful chat; Peter and I, being Navy veterans - no matter that it was not the same Navy - had somewhat in common, and swapped a few tales of ... well, let's say "maritime mischief" and leave it at that, 'kay?

The skies are clouding up, this afternoon, and I'm sure there's some sort of precipitation in our future. Since AccuHunch guesses we'll get into the mid-30s again tonight - and colder, later in the week - what we actually receive is anyone's guess.


On a Wing and a Whim said...

It's not that I don't like snow, it's that I love summer so very much, and take such delight and joy in fall (my favorite season, despite its brevity) that I'm sorry to see them cut short by winter. After all, there's always plenty of winter!

Well that, and the fact that I expected to be flying out originally in summer, then hoped to make it out in fall. Your announcement of snow below the treeline means I'll be flying through winter up by Whitehorse, in a plane with no effective heater. That's worthy of a groan!

Rev. Paul said...

You are entitled to the groan ... I stand corrected. Most of us won't be flying, of course, but I hope your route stays clear & calm long enough to make it to warmer climes.

Cassie said...

Neato that you got to meet some more fellow bloggers. One day we'll get to meet you too. I'll get Patrick up there before we're too old to walk!!