08 October 2010

Getting There

It ain't winter yet, but seems closer today.  T'was 28 degrees with fog and a heavy frost at my place this morning. It's up to 29 now, and the fog is beginning to lift in midtown; a check of local web cams reveal it's nonexistent to the north and south.

The scraping of car windows is a morning ritual which, having begun yesterday, will be a daily fact of life until April or so. Even heavy snow is easier to get off the windows, so it's not that we have to scrape daily ... but removal of one sort or another will be with us for the next five or six months.

Our weekend plans include putting snow tires on the car and truck. It's a minor bite in the gas consumption, but after sliding that 6,000 pound SUV through a couple of red lights, I prefer the studded tires, thankyouverymuch.

Beyond a trip to Big Box Hardware and the local tire shop, my weekend plans are non-existent. I kinda like it that way; it's a nice change of pace from a few years ago, when we had no spare time at all.

Oldest Daughter and I are both traveling this month; she, to Anaheim for a convention, and I'm making a lightning trip to Missouri to visit with my dad. His prognosis is still "a few months to maybe a year." On the other hand, I haven't flown by myself since 1989. I'm not checking any luggage, either, so it should be a little quicker getting out of the airport at each end of the journey.  And after 10 hours in the air, leaving the airport is something that needs to be done quickly, for one's sanity.

Have a great Friday, folks.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Both of you have safe trips. Lucky OD...bet she makes a trip to Disneyland while there. (I love that place.)Oh Paul,I hope you have a blessed visit with your dad. Let him know he has a bunch of us lifting him in prayer please.