09 October 2010

An Order of Frost, To Go

It was 25 degrees at my place this morning, although it's up to 27 at 9am ... it's a bit frosty, and I'm off to a slow start. Looking out the window at the layer of frost on the cars doesn't exactly fill me with enthusiasm for the few chores that I have today. What I should say, however, is that none of them are time-sensitive, and I didn't need to rush out before the sun rose to accomplish them.

Now that we've had coffee and a light breakfast, I'd better get on out there & do what needs to be done. The morning temperature did make me grab a long-sleeved shirt, though. I may have to say "aloha" to my Hawaiian shirts until spring, darn it.

Y'all have a great day.


Home on the Range said...

I guess now would not be the time to send you photos of a Carribean beach?

Home, dog tired, but home. I actually spent 40 minutes on the beach all week. But at least it was warm.

Rev. Paul said...

Warm beach is good, but your photos wouldn't be amiss; we'll be in a similar place next month.

Glad to hear you're back.

joated said...

"I may have to say "aloha" to my Hawaiian shirts until spring, darn it."


Actually, you might want to consider holding one or two out for a special luau to celebrate Mardi Gras or something else to welcome back the sunlight come February.

If I remember correctly, it was pretty dang chilly and drizzly when we were in Anchorage in July.

Rev. Paul said...

Joated - we'll have sunlight ... well, okay, daylight all winter long. We're not far enough north to lose it altogether; there will be about 4.5 hours of daylight at the winter solstice.

If you recall, I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt when I met you & your wife. Yeah, it was cool & drizzly, but what the hey - if that's our summer, then we'll make the most of it. :)

Teresa said...

I think we've gotten into the high 30's for the first time over the weekend. Now it's warmed up a bit. I'd like it to freeze, kill the pollen, and then warm up. Because I'm a wimp. ;-)