05 December 2010

Sunday Morning

We're home from the party & overnight stay at the hotel, downtown, where it took place. We didn't need to stay at the Ritzy Palace, but it's a kind of treat to ourselves.

The party went very well, and it's obvious the folks at that organization appreciated all the hard work that went into setting up the banquet, entertainment, and following dance. (Modesty constrains me to mention that my wife is part of the Team of Four which put it all together.)

Every table at a big get-together has at least one gregarious person who wants to know all about everyone else. Ours, last night, was Ryan - an Air Force captain who's bucking for major. He & I had a great time discussing military duty in Alaska. He's stationed here now, of course, and I was stationed in the Aleutians back in the mid-'70s. In many ways, little has changed about the experience. Only the services themselves have changed.

Now a fresh pot of coffee is ready for drinking, and the Daily Fish-Wrap & Sometimes News has an ad or two that Wife will read. There's soft Christmas music playing in the background, and the sun is just about to rise over the mountains to the south.

All is well here; I wish you all the same sense of peace and happiness, this day.


The Farmer said...

A night out with the wife. Sounds like a good idea. I may have to follow suit and take mine somewhere nice.
I'm glad it was a fun party for you.

Teresa said...

What a nice treat! Sounds like a great time was had by all. Yay!