21 January 2011

Jenny Lays the Smack-Down

on Congress. It seems she's a bit riled up.

Here's an excerpt:
Dear Congress...

I know. It's one of those "we have to talk" moments. You see... I've been thinking, and well... it's probably best we don't see each other any more.

I'd give you the "it's not you, it's me" but frankly..... no. It's you.
Quite frankly, as a body of people - I can't stand you.
I can't stand to see you. I can't stand to hear you.

I'm tired of the who's fault is it anyway speeches and I'm tired of the who's up for re-election and has to throw a bone to the proles vote trading and I'm tired of the hey look at the ballot boxes we found in the trunk stories. I'm tired of bribery so open on all sides that no one even blinks unless it's election time and makes for good campaign commercial fodder. I'm tired all the darling save the world schemes you come up with, but then take great care to exempt yourselves and your buddies from.

Your members range from the hopelessly clueless to the merely criminal ...

~ snip ~

All this talk about partisan bickering and ill tempers in Washington, some people would say it would be nice if you could agree about *something.*

Well, I'm glad you're making the effort, but could you please pick something other than bankrupting our treasury and selling out our frickin' national sovereignty?!?!?

Go read the rest.


joated said...

I do believe she's onto something here.

Oh. And "riled up" might be a wee bit of an understatement.

SR said...

I'll say.