23 January 2011

Getting Up to Speed (UPDATED)

When we moved to Alaska, we had dial-up internet. That, of course, sucked. Even if dial-up was fast enough - and it hasn't been in about 15 years - the connection speeds here were were running around 48k.

Several years ago, we moved up to a nominal DSL connection. 640Kbps was appreciably faster ... but not really that fast.

So today we moved up to 8Mbps. NICE. But now the router needs to be reset and reconfigured.

"Welcome to the 21st Century, where technology does what it wants to do!"

The Update:  I carefully printed all the settings pages from the set-up for the router, then hit the "reset" button ... and it works like a charm. No input or reconfiguration of the network settings required.

{phew}  Dodged a bullet, I did.


Teresa said...

The fact that any of this works at all is a total friggin' miracle I tell ya. LOL.

Welcome to the speedway, watch the traffic coming from behind please stay to the right until you get your bearings.


SR said...

We had DSL for several years, but we had the slowest package available because it did not require a contract. I dispise contracts. We held out so long on upgrading the phone company gave up and began offering all their packages without a contract so we signed up about 3 months ago. It really made a difference. As far as the technology goes I don't have a clue; I just leave it up to DR to take care of the equipment maintenance. Its kind of like having an easy button:)

joated said...

That you made all the preparations for a disaster (printing out the settings and all) that never occurred is an indication that our new and improved digital world over lords are lightyears ahead of us. (Or you any way. :P)

Glad things went so well.