31 January 2011

The Weather Outside Is ...

not as bad here, as elsewhere. The local weather wonks are calling for 5" to 11" locally, with high winds in the mountains above town, and temps only in the low 20s (which is our normal high).

All y'all down south in the States have our sympathies. We're running studded tires & some serious snow-removal equipment, here in the frozen Northland - which means we can easily keep right on going in the face of a two-foot snowfall. And have, many times over. The last time there was 3' of snow all at once, the city recommended that folks stay off the roads that day, to allow the plows to go through. The airport was closed for 45 minutes, that time. After that? Business as usual.

For those of you who don't normally see that much, please be careful.

Stay safe & warm, folks.


joated said...

We're bracing for our worst in two years. We shall see.

(I do believe I've seen that title before...open my January 19th post of this year.)

Jennifer said...

There is something wrong with the fact that they are predicting more snow in Oklahoma City than they are in Alaska. We've got a predicted high of 18. My household is prepared, but I worry about my neighbors. Okies are resourceful types though. But there is some crossover with creativity and stupidity sometimes.
Thank you for the well wishes. Many have worse coming than we do.