13 March 2011

What Lies Beyond*

People are walking behind the backstop at the Wet Bunny Range, but bullets still travel in a straight line.  From today's Anchorage Daily News:

The coastal flats behind the Rabbit Creek Shooting Park's high-powered rifle range isn't the ideal place to take a stroll in Anchorage.

But so far this winter, a lot of people have been spotted on those flats. That has the range manager, Steve Meyer, somewhat alarmed.

~ snip ~

Despite warning signs posted on the coastal flats and on the nearby state refuge trail, an individual or a group of people has been spotted walking, skiing or biking behind the shooting range backstops eight to 10 times since January, he said.

This is where I shoot. The manager quoted in the article says that when pedestrians or skiers are spotted downrange, a cease-fire is called until the coast (literally) is clear. While that hasn't happened while I'm there, it's reassuring to know that someone is watching the far side of the backstops.

How dumb must you be to wander down a trail, past signs announcing the presence of the range, while gunshots are audible?

* With apologies for echoing, faintly, a recent post by Breda.


joated said...

My guess would be pretty damn dumb!

Same goes for walking a trail through a state owned--and posted--wild game management area (paid fro from hunters licenses) during the hunting season without wearing a bit of safety orange or even anything a bright red, and being surprised to find hunters there. Seen it happen several times.

Murphy's Law said...

The National Matches at Camp Perry in Ohio are halted several times each day due to boaters inside the mapped and bouyed-off impact zone out on the lake...and this despite much publicity and PSA's on radio and TV. Several have told chase boat personnel that they were there because they saw the splashed of "fish jumping".

.30 fish...flying fish.

Mjolnir said...

People are stupid...'nuff said...hehehe!