03 April 2011

Just Because

This is a "taking care of things" kind of day, today. Walked a mile and discovered that was about all I could handle, due to the recent back injury (has it really been three weeks?). 

My wife & I stopped by the medium-sized office box store & picked up some things ... some needful things, and a couple "just because" things like a riser to set my monitor on, drawer organizer, etc.

Installed Office 2010 on my PC and Samantha's laptop, and noted with pleasure that the standard is now a three-user package. That's how many computers we have in Casa del Pablo, so it worked out well.

Now I can install my 2007 version at work, to replace the 2003 version currently in use there. As the Deputy Chief taught us in Fire Department Leadership 201, way back when: "You may never achieve your 'ideal'. But every time you have a chance to make a change, move in that direction."

Words of wisdom.

1 comment:

Maura said...

Sometimes those "Taking care of things" days can be the best ones of all. :-)