26 April 2011

Ken Cuccinelli: Reasserting Federalism in Defense ...

The Maritime Sentry: Ken Cuccinelli: Reasserting Federalism in Defense ...:
"SOME FAVORITE VIRGINIANS OF MINE who inspired and crafted our federal Constitution—Mason, Madison, Jefferson, and Henry—also drafted the Constitution of Virginia. And in the latter, they included a critical statement that said, “No free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved . . . but by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.”

"Our founders well understood that our liberty could not be preserved without frequently referring back to first principles. But while they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to defend those principles, we have often taken them for granted, as we have become complacent in thinking that government will take care of every problem.

~ snip ~

"At a time such as this, when principled conservatives do not control the reins of power in Washington, state attorneys general become the first line of defense against federal government overreach."

PLEASE read the whole thing.


Matt said...

Yes, we like Ken over in these parts.

DR said...

Thank you for linking to the post.