13 April 2011


It's one of those beautiful spring days that we all dream about, during the long snowy months. All six mountains ranges are visible, with a silvery blue sky and bright sun. Well, as bright as it gets here, anyway.

Click for mega-view

Regarding our sunlight -  after months of short days and cloudy skies, Alaskans have become mole-people, needing sunglasses when visitors from the States go without. We don't even notice it anymore, until we shoot pictures on a sunny day & notice they all come out looking a bit more grey then we thought. The camera never lies, but our eyes do.

In the photo above, looking west/northwest, the three tall peaks of the Alaska Range are visible to the right of center, along the horizon. They are Mt. Foraker, Mt. Hunter, and Denali - which y'all stubbornly insist should be called Mt. McKinley or something. Apparently he was a President. Who knew?

Heh. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the picture, because we're sure enjoying the day.

1 comment:

joated said...

"...which y'all stubbornly insist should be called Mt. McKinley or something. Apparently he was a President. Who knew?"

LOL Yeah. The poor bugger got himself shot (by an anarchist, yet) loooooong before Alaska became a state.