20 December 2011

Local Legislator Feuds with TSA

Alaska state Rep. Chris Tuck is running TV ads telling people they can skip the new body scanners at Alaska airports and should call airport police if the Transportation Security Administration gets too frisky with the resulting pat-downs.

Of course, the TSA says he's wrong about the images being stored - and it is true that the Anchorage airport did just make a big announcement about the scanners here being the kind that just show a fuzzy outline with yellow spots appearing where there's something the scanner "sees" as non-organic.

Note, however, that they don't dispute the rest of his statement.


Old NFO said...

Any bets he starts getting 'calls' from DC???

Flier389 said...

I'm sure he will get called, and get a "talking" too.

DR said...

It's way past time to disband the TSA. It's good to see some politicians still standing up for the Constitution.