12 January 2012

Just Another Day in Anchorage ...

Phone call at 5 pm:

Caller:  "Paul, there's a moose lying in the parking lot, and some cars can't get out!"

Me:  "So call Fish & Wildlife, and let them handle it. That's what we pay them for."

Caller:  "Oh. Right." (click)

I've been promised a picture, taken by one of the affected motorists. I'll post it as soon as I can. Stay tuned.


Matt said...

What did they want you to do? Grab it by the tail and pull it off to the side? :)

threecollie said...

Not a problem you see here very often. lol Hope you share the pics.

45er said...

Pictures would be good. Video of someone trying to drag it by the tail would be awesome.