05 January 2012

Just a Tidbit

The good news: we're showing the highest temperature at my house right now that we've seen in a week.

The bad news: it's still only 8 degrees.

At least that's above zero.

While you're shivering, go read Brigid's latest, and enjoy!


Stephen said...

Rev...slip on the 'ole jockey strap and head out for a brisk jog...bet you'd set a one mile record.

threecollie said...

I am shivering just thinking of you!

Groundhog said...

Bah! 8F is nothing in January! By May however, it'll turn you into a blithering idiot :)

Old NFO said...

Guess you actually had to zip up the fleece... Y'all don't break out the parkas for more than -20, right? :-)