07 January 2012

Advice Wanted

Just returned from completing the biennial emissions test on my truck. The new sticker will survive my ownership of the beast; my plan is to sell it, come Springtime, and purchase something newer ... and perhaps a shade smaller.

While the current hauling capacity - both inside and behind - is truly impressive, my daughters are grown and discussing possibilities of moving into a place of their own within the next year. I probably won't need a 6,000 lb. truck that seats 7 and tows 10,000 lbs. (Update: it's a Ford Expedition)

I'm gonna miss her, though. Best 4x4 I've ever owned ... just point in the direction you want to go & give 'er some gas, and she goes there. No muss, no grab & growl, no slippage. It's driven through a fresh 28" snowfall on numerous occasions, carried us on our 3,850-mile move to Alaska while pulling a second car and all we owned, and recently pulled the "new" little car on a flat-bed (totaling some 7,000 lbs) across town.  Not bad for a 13-year-old truck nearing 140,000 miles.

On-demand 4WD, and still purrs like a kitten, too. Some lucky buyer is going to get a really, really good truck in a few months.

But it's time to downsize, and I'm kinda leaning toward a Nissan Xterra, or something similar. I'm 6'2" with long legs, wife is 5'8", and we have no intention of squeezing ourselves into a peanut car (or truck).

My readers are some smart cookies ... so any suggestions on a mid-size SUV?


Anonymous said...

What kind of truck can seat 7, pull 10k and only weighs in at 6,000lbs??? most trucks ive ever hears of usually weigh in closer to 10k if their going to pull 10k... im impressed!

drjim said...

My son has an Xterra and loves it.
I'm more of a Jeep Grand Cherokee guy, as I prefer a bit more comfort!

Mrs. S. said...

We have been really happy with our 2004 Honda Element. We are a bit disappointed that they no longer make them with manual transmissions and that 2012 is the last year in production for the Element. But it is still a great, reasonably priced vehicle.

It gets approx. 22-28 mpg. The on-demand 4WD is handy because you don't have to get out and lock/unlock hubs or back up to unlock them. It seats four, the seats can be removed and a tarp placed in the back to carry a deer home without getting a hernia trying to tie it on the roof. Unfortunately, a moose might exceed the maximum payload. It has carried a washing machine and a snow-blower on separate occasions. It can tow a small trailer. It works great for launching my dad's fishing boat. The roof rack option works great for our canoe. It does have quite a bit of headroom, but I don't know if it would have quite the ground clearance you would need to plow through a snowstorm of >18" per storm. People do need to be somewhat sprightly to climb in and out of the back seats; so don't try to transport elderly passengers in the back seats.

Take one for a test drive - if you can find one for sale.

Carteach said...

Sounds like you drive a Titan right now.

I expect you would be happy with an Xtera. Nice vehicles, and comfortable for us 'normal' sized people.

Rev. Paul said...

Anonymous - it's a '98 Ford Expedition.

drjim - thanks for that confirmation.

Mrs. S - Honda originally sold a lot of Elements up here, until the Alaska winters started beating them to pieces. I expect they'd be fine in 'normal' winter weather, just as you say, but it's not unusual to get snowfalls that exceed 2', and then the temp drops to -20 or colder.

Carteach - I was hoping you'd vote, since you're taller than I. Thank you.

Stephen said...

We own (wife drives)an Acura MDX. On demand four wheel drive. Has room, like you I'm kinda tall, 6'1" and I fit inside...I'd recommend it.

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Stephen. I'll have to take a look at one of those, and see ...

Old NFO said...

I've got nada for a recommendation... sorry, but friends who own Honda pickups love em...

DR said...

I highly recommend the Jeep Grand Cherokee. We have owned ours for 6 months and it was the best buy ever. I am 6 foot with a linebacker build and SR is 5'7" and we are both extremely comfortable when driving. Lots of leg and shoulder room.

Moms Musings said...

What about a Subaru Forester? It's a little smaller than a regular SUV, but very comfortable and you can't beat a Subaru.

Cassie said...

I love my Jeep Grand Cherokee.It's a 1993 and other than the new radiator Patrick just put in it, it's been a gem! Well, it's a v8, so gets lousy gas milage, but the new ones are good in that area. We are down to the one car and Pat's motorcycle, so are on the lookout for another too. However, I want it for cheappppp. Do you think Mr.Obama will give us a new car with all of the entitlements he plans??? ((barf))