is not frightful, exactly, but definitely wintry.
It's snowing sideways and currently 11 degrees with a wind chill of zero. The temp's supposed to drop another 14 or 15 degrees tonight. It began snowing in the wee hours, and although the winter weather advisory expires at 9 pm, they're calling for another 4" or 5" of accumulation by tomorrow morning.
The snow pile on the side of my driveway is now as tall as my wife's car. The BIG pile at the bottom of the drive has filled the overflow parking area (which can usually hold up to six vehicles) to the same height. It's like that all over town.
Some streets are down to one lane, sidewalks have all but disappeared, and it's only mid-January.
And after tonight, it turns cold.
Don't envy y'all, stay warm and stay safe!
Here's a little picker-upper:
I Heard a Bird Sing
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember:
"We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,"
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
Oliver Herford
Old NFO: thanks!
Cathy: that's a nice one. We don't have much in the way of songbirds in winter ... just ravens & raptors.
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