Psalm 22:27-28: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he ruleth among the nations.”
24 July 2013
Pictorial: Alaska's Outhouses
Not something many of us see everyday, anymore. There were lots of 'em around, when I was a young'un, but that was somewhere around the time the dinosaurs died off.
PolyKahr, we spent a lot of time on my grandparents' farm when I was a boy. No plumbing, and choices were either a chamber pot if the weather was really nasty, or the outhouse. I've used both. Not as pleasant in the winter, but the worst part was stepping in fresh cow pies on the way to the outhouse, in the dark.
threecollie, yes indeed. Brr is right!
Chickenmom, understood. Most cabins here have them as well, as there's no plumbing to be had in the Bush.
PH, I understand that. Grandpa's outhouse had spiders, mud daubers & yellowjackets in the summer. Using it in the winter was rather nice, by comparison.
Off topic, but I sure was wishing you were still on FAcebook today. Local news channel was all excited about a moose hanging out in an area cow pasture. They shared photos of people hugging it.
I can't imagine using an outhouse in the winter, but my mother did. How spoiled we are.
God bless and keep you,
I can relate to the last one, having lived in an unplumbed cabin in the Adirondacks for a few years a couple of times. Brr.......
They still have them here - you can see some in back of the older farm houses.
PolyKahr, we spent a lot of time on my grandparents' farm when I was a boy. No plumbing, and choices were either a chamber pot if the weather was really nasty, or the outhouse. I've used both. Not as pleasant in the winter, but the worst part was stepping in fresh cow pies on the way to the outhouse, in the dark.
threecollie, yes indeed. Brr is right!
Chickenmom, understood. Most cabins here have them as well, as there's no plumbing to be had in the Bush.
Oh, yes. But I refused to use the outhouse because it had huge wolf spiders in it. It was chamber pot or woods for me.
PH, I understand that. Grandpa's outhouse had spiders, mud daubers & yellowjackets in the summer. Using it in the winter was rather nice, by comparison.
Off topic, but I sure was wishing you were still on FAcebook today. Local news channel was all excited about a moose hanging out in an area cow pasture. They shared photos of people hugging it.
threecollie, that's cool. You should right-click & save that photo, and put it on your blog. :)
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