27 November 2013

"A Grizzly Ate My GoPro!"

"When using a GoPro to capture unusually close footage of grizzly bears for the Great Bear Stakeout for BBC, I had a young bear actually chew on the camera. Amazingly there was no damage to the camera! Some of this clip appears in the film Great Bear Stakeoout on BBC and Discovery Channel. Video copyright Brad Josephs."

This isn't the way I'd recommend spending one's vacation. But in bear country, as in life, you pays your money and you takes your chances ...


PioneerPreppy said...

I still say we need more top tier predators living in the cities. Especially Washington DC.

Rev. Paul said...

Not a bad idea, my friend. Might be good for certain folks to realize (as Alaskans do) that we're NOT at the top of the local food chain.

ProudHillbilly said...

Two words - telephoto lens.

Rev. Paul said...

There you go, PH, making all kinds of sense and stuff. How dare you? LOL

Borepatch said...


Rev. Paul said...

My response exactly, BP.

Mamma Bear said...

What did you do?, smear that gopro with some peanut butter?..hahahah
Great shots but that bear really need some serious brushing on those teeth!

Rev. Paul said...

Depending on the time of year, but especially in the spring after awakening from hibernation, bears will try to eat anything at all. Sleeping for several months leaves them hungry. :)

Cathy said...

Just showed this to the boys! Most incredible footage - ever. Yikes!

Rev. Paul said...

Oh well, Cathy ... better a camera than a cameraman's hand!

Chickenmom said...

Wow, oh wow! And I thought our black bears were big...