And using Brady Law Anniversary to pressure GOP
Don’t let them get away with it.
Democrats on Capitol Hill want to change the subject, but we can’t let them do it.
The anti-gun aspects of ObamaCare haven’t even been fully implemented yet because the entire “health care” rollout has been imploding -- and it’s taking a huge toll on the President.
The solution?
The reported last week that Democrats are trying to “deflect public attention from a disaster of their own making [on ObamaCare] by shifting the subject to gun control.”
They’re hoping to pressure Republicans on the 20-year anniversary of the Brady Law. (November 30 marks the anniversary when President Clinton signed the bill into law.)
The Hill reports, “Democrats argue that enough pressure on House GOP leaders would return the topic [of gun control] to prominence.”
You can’t blame them. As support for ObamaCare continues to plummet -- and the President’s approval rating along with it -- many Democrats are scrambling to get the mainstream media to cover any other topic.
Their first choice is to return to their tired ole gun control agenda like the Toomey-Manchin background checks (for private gun buyers) in the Senate or the identical Thompson-King bill (HR 1565) in the House. These are unconstitutional and should never see the light of day.
Their second plan to distract the American public is to blow up the Senate rules -- abolishing the filibuster where federal judges are concerned -- so that Democrats can pack the courts with liberal, anti-gunners who will uphold ObamaCare. Majority Leader Harry Reid successfully accomplished this yesterday, claiming it was necessary because Republicans were supposedly causing gridlock.
You can see that critical Senate vote here, where YEA was the pro-gun, pro-freedom vote to maintain the filibuster.
Finally, Democrats plan to craft small temporary one-year “fixes” for the health care law in order to fool enough Americans into reelecting senators who were the “deciding votes” on ObamaCare:
* Mary Landrieu, the Louisiana Democrat -- who sold her soul to vote for ObamaCare in exchange for a political bribe nicknamed “the Louisiana purchase” -- is currently up in a tough reelection. She knew how bad ObamaCare was, but she didn’t care until the nation’s pain threatened her reelection.
* Mark Begich, the Alaska Democrat who also cast the deciding vote, also knew Alaskans would suffer. But it didn’t bother him until their suffering threatened his reelection.
* Similarly, several other Democrat Senators -- Kay Hagan (NC), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Mark Warner (VA), Mark Udall (CO), Mark Pryor (AR) and Jeff Merkley (OR) -- all became “born again skeptics” of ObamaCare when provisions they crafted, knew about, and were indispensable in passing came back to bite them.
All of these senators had a chance to “tweak” ObamaCare during the shutdown fight. Instead, these Senators were all too busy playing politics -- gleeful at the prospect of declaring total victory over Republicans.
We need to remind them that the only legitimate option is a total repeal of the anti-gun ObamaCare law. And that a Brady Law anniversary is an excuse to pass more gun control, but rather, a reminder of just how much of our constitutional rights have already been infringed.
ACTION: E-mail your Representative and Senators and urge them to ignore calls for gun control or to settle for a temporary one year ObamaCare “fix.” Demand that they repeal this anti-gun travesty and stop trying to change the subject to supporting gun control.
“We are going to finish the job
and pass background checks and then move on and do other things we have
to do to get guns off the streets and stop gun violence.” -- Senator
Chuck Schumer, November 13, 2013
Don’t let them get away with it.
Democrats on Capitol Hill want to change the subject, but we can’t let them do it.
The anti-gun aspects of ObamaCare haven’t even been fully implemented yet because the entire “health care” rollout has been imploding -- and it’s taking a huge toll on the President.
The solution?
The reported last week that Democrats are trying to “deflect public attention from a disaster of their own making [on ObamaCare] by shifting the subject to gun control.”
They’re hoping to pressure Republicans on the 20-year anniversary of the Brady Law. (November 30 marks the anniversary when President Clinton signed the bill into law.)
The Hill reports, “Democrats argue that enough pressure on House GOP leaders would return the topic [of gun control] to prominence.”
You can’t blame them. As support for ObamaCare continues to plummet -- and the President’s approval rating along with it -- many Democrats are scrambling to get the mainstream media to cover any other topic.
Their first choice is to return to their tired ole gun control agenda like the Toomey-Manchin background checks (for private gun buyers) in the Senate or the identical Thompson-King bill (HR 1565) in the House. These are unconstitutional and should never see the light of day.
Their second plan to distract the American public is to blow up the Senate rules -- abolishing the filibuster where federal judges are concerned -- so that Democrats can pack the courts with liberal, anti-gunners who will uphold ObamaCare. Majority Leader Harry Reid successfully accomplished this yesterday, claiming it was necessary because Republicans were supposedly causing gridlock.
You can see that critical Senate vote here, where YEA was the pro-gun, pro-freedom vote to maintain the filibuster.
Finally, Democrats plan to craft small temporary one-year “fixes” for the health care law in order to fool enough Americans into reelecting senators who were the “deciding votes” on ObamaCare:
* Mary Landrieu, the Louisiana Democrat -- who sold her soul to vote for ObamaCare in exchange for a political bribe nicknamed “the Louisiana purchase” -- is currently up in a tough reelection. She knew how bad ObamaCare was, but she didn’t care until the nation’s pain threatened her reelection.
* Mark Begich, the Alaska Democrat who also cast the deciding vote, also knew Alaskans would suffer. But it didn’t bother him until their suffering threatened his reelection.
* Similarly, several other Democrat Senators -- Kay Hagan (NC), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Mark Warner (VA), Mark Udall (CO), Mark Pryor (AR) and Jeff Merkley (OR) -- all became “born again skeptics” of ObamaCare when provisions they crafted, knew about, and were indispensable in passing came back to bite them.
All of these senators had a chance to “tweak” ObamaCare during the shutdown fight. Instead, these Senators were all too busy playing politics -- gleeful at the prospect of declaring total victory over Republicans.
We need to remind them that the only legitimate option is a total repeal of the anti-gun ObamaCare law. And that a Brady Law anniversary is an excuse to pass more gun control, but rather, a reminder of just how much of our constitutional rights have already been infringed.
ACTION: E-mail your Representative and Senators and urge them to ignore calls for gun control or to settle for a temporary one year ObamaCare “fix.” Demand that they repeal this anti-gun travesty and stop trying to change the subject to supporting gun control.
Gun Owners of America 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102 Springfield, VA 22151 |
703-321-8585 Contact Form |
Maybe the people will finally get smart enough to stop voting for democrats. I doubt it though too many still buy into the "both parties are just as bad" or what have you. In many ways they are right especially in spending and greasing palms but the Femocrats have never seen a right they didn't want to get rid of.
We need background checks on all who "serve" us in Washington...
(Love your header)!
Agreed, Preppy. Both parties are bad, but one's WAY worse than they other.
Also agreed, Chickenmom - and thanks! :)
Rev. Paul,
Come election time, we need to vote all of these characters out of our government.
Agreed, Sandy; I just hope the country can last that long.
Good points all... And 2014 can't get here SOON ENOUGH for me!
NFO - concur!
gfa - you're welcome. :)
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