07 December 2013

Dense Fog & a Date That Will Live in Infamy

We had very thick fog, drizzle and 34° this morning. It's lifting a bit now, but the fog made for some interesting driving conditions earlier.

But as the sunrise rolled around, some 25 minutes ago, the temperature fell back to 32°, so the condensation is freezing on the cars again.

I'm about done with this warm weather. Would all y'all mind sending the cold stuff back this way, please?
* * * * *

And December 7, 1941: don't forget this date, please.  We dare not forget what happened when Japan bombed our sailors at Pearl Harbor - nor how close they came to beating us on that day, if only our carriers had been present. Thank God (literally) they were elsewhere at the time.

On our recent trip to Honolulu, we shared a shuttle with a young mother (and her two kids) from Canada.

The shuttle had a video of local attractions playing, and she asked "What's that?" when the Arizona Memorial was displayed. I told her of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and what happened to the Arizona. She'd heard of Pearl Harbor, but not much else.

The driver told us, as we disembarked, "I'd have answered her, but you were doing such a good job that I didn't want to interrupt you. You must have been here before."  It made me sad to think that people have to go see it, to learn about it. It used to be taught in schools.

We're visiting Pearl again in March, where I hope to once again speak with - and thank - survivors of that attack. It's a humbling experience.


PioneerPreppy said...

My guess is we are in for another Pearl type attack within the foreseeable future. Simply because the first one, along with so much other important things, has been mostly forgotten.

Sandy Livesay said...

Rev. Paul,

A date that needs to remembered by all.

Rev. Paul said...

Preppy, that wouldn't surprise me, I'm sad to say.

Agreed, Sandy, but it's already being forgotten.

CottonLady said...

Dear Sir, I would GLADLY send you the cold from here in NW Texas!!!
Was 4* this a.m. and our high was 17*!! If I wanted to have it this cold, I'd move north! :(

Yes, indeed, Pearl Harbor Day needs to be remembered by all, especially our younger folks. Both of my parents served in WWII. The history being taught in our schools is sorely lacking. Glad my DD is home schooling, the GS's are learning it all!

Hope it cools down soon for you.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, CottonLady, on all counts. You're right about the need to repeat the stories so that the sacrifices (and the lessons) are not forgotten.

Old NFO said...

Thanks for passing along the knowledge Rev...

Rev. Paul said...

I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I hadn't, NFO.

threecollie said...

So glad that you spoke up and knew what to say. That is really awesome. Tragic how quickly our history is being forgotten, rewritten, glossed over, or conveniently changed....

Anonymous said...

Pearl Harbor...The U.S.S. Cole...9/11...Fort Hood...

We need to be ever vigilant for ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic.



Rev. Paul said...

Very true, threecollie. Thank you.

Concur, Guffaw. Absolutely!

Teresa said...

I think right now we are a few degrees colder than you all are. No fog for us, just cloudy gloom. LOL.

As far as what people know or want to know, there are always a certain percentage who don't care, those who learn it and mostly forget, those who learn it and remember when reminded, those who learn it and don't forget. You are far more likely to run into someone who hasn't put any effort into remembering (especially if they come from another country).

That is the sad fact about human nature. We can try to make people care, but many will not. Actually I feel very sorry for them. They miss so much in the world that is fascinating. Just think how dull their lives are.

Rev. Paul said...

I hear you, Teresa. But the have The Voice, X Factor, maybe even Survivor, to occupy their many, many idle moments. It beats thinking, eh?