04 February 2015

There's No Temperature This Morning

which would explain the display on my dashboard while driving in. :)

Falling temps and dense fog; that's been our weather for the last 72 hours. The frost continues to build on unheated surfaces, and bare pavement provides all the traction of axle grease.

If it weren't for studded tires, three-quarters of Anchorage cars would be in roadside ditches by now.

* * * * *

I have occasionally um, okay, regularly expressed frustration with federal over-regulation and overreach in Alaska, with the Fed controlling 60 percent of the state. Clearly, this is at odds with the concept of State sovereignty and self-determination.

There's a decent commentary in today's paper, on that topic. It's worth a look, and here's an excerpt to whet your interest:

So here we are. We are facing multiple issues of federal overreach and with the perfect governor for the job – the one mentored by the late, great Gov. Hickel. So far, we have seen no bold moves. There have been no bulldozers in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, nor have we sent teams up to ANWR to start exploring for oil.

Clearly the governor can’t really do what he claimed he would in that debate. He spoke boldly in order to garner support for the shock value of the statement. However, this is exactly what we elected Walker to do. If there is one thing we gave the governor a mandate to do, it was to stand up to the federal government. So now, Gov. Walker, all eyes are on you – what’s your move?

 * * * * *

Speaking of federal overreach, it seems railroads have been ordered to install "a federal mandate that would make improvements to train safety. It's called PTC or Positive Train Control. The National Transportation Safety Board says every rail line in the country must implement it by the end of the year."

There's one problem with this technology for commuter rail: Alaska doesn't have any. While the Alaska Railroad (owned/operated by the State, not Amtrak. They went broke trying to run it, and sold it to us) provides passenger service, it's not a commuter service, and doesn't plan to provide it.

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Well Seasoned Fool said...

We are finally receiving some snow this morning.

Federal overreach is everywhere. In Colorado we can count of Gov. Wishywashy to roll over.

Rev. Paul said...

I hear you, my friend. There's far too much of that going on, just about everywhere.