To accommodate them, I've agreed to give up my office. They'll use it as an employee entrance and storage area.
In exchange, I'll take over their slightly-larger, two-room suite down the hall from where I am now.
It's not a bad deal, and we both get what we need. But they're not ready until Monday to make the move, so I've been puttering around, packing a few boxes, and generally just wanting to get going ... so we can get it over with.
There are a number of large, heavy file cabinets, bookshelves, and storage cabinets which I'm loath to unpack. I'd rather just pick 'em up with an appliance dolly and start rolling.
Have I mentioned I hate waiting?
I am reminded of a card my Dad gave me years ago. There was a picture of an exploding cannon with the words, "God grand me patience NOW!" (grin)
That's me. I just want to get started.
Begin the move...tell 'em to get the heck out of your way.
Oh, forgot, tie the moose outside and I'll be by later. Don't forget to feed her.
Stephen, believe me: I wish I could just push 'em to the side & get started. And bring a big trailer - the moose is 7 feet tall and weighs about 1,300 pounds. :)
Rev. Paul,
Nothing like hurrying up to have to wait on others to finally get ready to move! Hang in there :-)
Hey now, you've had experience at hurry up and wait... :-) LOL
Acknowledged & concurred, NFO - but it doesn't mean I've learned to like it. Oh, well. :)
I feel for you. I can't stand to wait for something like that either. Drives me nuts to go over and over in my head what I need to do and then wait to do wishes for a quick efficient move!
Me, too. I woke up in the middle of the night, a week or so ago, with plans for the move & how to arrange the furniture playing in my head. But they have to move their stuff out before I can move my stuff in, so that they can move their stuff from the hallway into my "old" office ... and then I have to wait for the I.T. guy to re-connect the phone/fax/internet/etc about mid-day. Oh, and then the painter's coming to freshen the "new" office. Sigh ...
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