07 July 2015

Surprise! Whale Pod Surfaces Next To Alaska Boaters

From KTUU, Channel 2 in Anchorage: Watch it in full screen, if you can.

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Channel 2 viewer Janet Flanders says her husband Tony was captaining a boat on a Sunday fishing trip out of Seward, when those aboard received this memorable visit from a pod of whales.


Old NFO said...

Lucky they surfaced BEHIND the boat... Just sayin...

Rev. Paul said...

I hear you - it's probably a good thing the whales were smarter than the boaters. :)

Ed Bonderenka said...

IiiIIIiiiIiii SSSSpppeeeeeeeeaaaakkkkkkk

Vicki said...

Wow! What an experience. But I gotta say that was a bit too up close and personal for me, coward that I am.

Chickenmom said...


threecollie said...

Oh, that gave me cold chills.....how exciting and amazing and wonderful! I had to watch it several times. What a world we live in!

Sandy Livesay said...

Rev. Paul,

Now that was just totally amazing. I would love to have been on that boat taking pictures and video. Whales are just wonderful mammals. Another great reason to leave up there in God's country :-)

Rev. Paul said...

Ed - good one! Dory would be so proud of ... wait, what was I saying?

Vicki - it will definitely produce a split-second (or longer) of "Whoa!"

Chickenmom - they are quite impressive, especially when that close.

threecollie - agreed.

Sandy - we see them just about every year. God's creation is SO amazing!