06 August 2015

Five Gallons in a Two-Gallon Bucket

My old office had a bank of cabinets and drawers, which were - naturally enough - crammed full o' stuff. The new digs have no built-ins, and it seems I have more stuff than places to put it.
Not THIS much, but it begins to feel that way as I survey the inadequate storage options. :)

But the new, larger space is now freshly painted, and I'm enjoying it already. My lovely bride will have to assist me in hanging/arranging the artwork that I have accumulated.

I can put things up, but have to arrange them by trial and error. I know when things are arranged correctly or not, but I'd rather not turn the walls into Swiss cheese while slowly moving things where they should be.

My wife, fortunately, can eyeball a room and decide within minutes where things should go. And they'll be right, and the arrangement will be pleasing.

So I'll occupy myself with trying to force too many items into too few places, and slowly decide what to pitch out. Sometimes, the pitching out is more fun than the arranging.

Which reminds me of a song, which sort of applies to this situation. My younger daughter says that everything does; I remind her that I know a lot more songs than she does, merely by virtue of hanging around the planet longer than she has. :)


Matt said...

can she come to my home to help the wife and me set up and organize ?? it's only several thousand miles.....

Rev. Paul said...

You know what they say, Matt - it's not the job; it's the commute. :)

Chickenmom said...

We need to see a video of you standing over each box of stuff - singing and dancing to that tune! :o)

Rev. Paul said...

Need? Need, do you say? It's hard to imagine how anyone needs to have their eyeballs assaulted.

I think not. :)

ProudHillbilly said...

I found carbide from my spelunking days 40 years ago when I cleaned out the garage a couple weeks ago. And no, I did not throw it out. I might need it. Same as I might need all those boxes of fossils collected in about the same era.

Rev. Paul said...

PH - I understand the "I might need it someday" syndrome, but I've got some hoarders (not the good kind) in my recent family tree. It's not pretty, so I tend toward the other end of the spectrum.

drjim said...

My wife has those same "eyes".

Sometimes it drives her nuts when she asks what I think of where she wants something put/hung/moved, and I tell her I don't care.

Where ever it winds up has already been determined, and my "input" doesn't really matter.

It always looks just great where ever she wants it, and I have no sense for those things.

Old NFO said...

LOL, trying to 'arrange' things is always fun (not)...

Rev. Paul said...

drjim, that's exactly my condition as well. She knows, and I don't. :)

NFO, it's not fun at all. :) That's why I've learned to let her do it.