Arctic Has Gained Hundreds Of Miles Of Ice The Last Three Years
Red shows the September 2012 minimum extent. Green shows the current extent, which is likely the minimum for 2015. The Arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.
Nobel Prize winning climate experts and journalists tell us that the Arctic is ice-free, because they are propagandists pushing an agenda, not actual scientists or journalists.
It's caused by global warming.
Isn't everything? :)
Amazing how "science" trumps the truth when there is an agenda involved.
Gasp! You are spoiling the "narrative".
The Progressives & Greenies (but I repeat myself) are always angered by our refusal to buy their line o' lies. Strange, that. :)
WSF, truth has a habit of doing that. Funny how often that happens.
How can we get more ice if the planet is warming? Somebody que the crickets please.....
Senior, if the Progressives were forced to tell the truth, their heads would explode. Not a bad idea, come to think of it.
All that ice is caused by global warming! Yikes - we're all gonna freeze to death!
I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!
We are having a heat wave here and the news is full of it (in more ways than one). Of course it is the first September heat wave since 2013 and only the second this year and maybe the third over the past two years (it is normal to have several weeks over ninety, and thus several heat waves in this area each summer) but this is BIG, BIG, BIG news!
Chickenmom, you nailed it! Live in fear!
Ed, I was truly sorry to have it hit you so hard. :)
threecollie, have you noticed the new buzzword, "extreme"? Everything now is "extreme weather conditions". And all this from people who should reasonably be expected to know better. Gee, it's almost like a conspiracy...
that people with an agenda, who CHANGED THE NAME OF THE PHENOMENA to fit their agenda would do such a thing!
Exactly, Guffaw. What are they thinking? (Hint: it's evil.)
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