13 October 2015

Life in Anchorage

Found at www.ktuu.com (our local NBC affiliate):


Sandy Livesay said...

Rev. Paul,

This makes up for all those police blotters involving drunks who driving. The bears trying to find his/her vehicle after visiting the local liquor store, lol....

They should have made a commercial about not drinking and driving using this picture.

Guffaw in AZ said...

He cannot bear the new neighbors...

and KTUU...

At first glance, I read KLAATU, as in "Klaatu barata nikto."!

Guess I'm old and weird...


Rev. Paul said...

Sandy, I hadn't thought about that. The building with the liquor store is actually a strip mall; the rest isn't visible. We don't always get to pick the background, when wildlife makes an appearance. :)

Guffaw, it sounds like you share my dyslexia. And you're not old!