08 October 2015

Their REAL Agenda

h/t Sandi-with-an-i, from the Book of Face


Vicki said...

Seems to me that Christian lives don't matter much to our president. I don't think I would like to be in the position of explaining that to God when the day comes to do so.

Rev. Paul said...

Vicki, I agree. It won't be pleasant.

ProudHillbilly said...

They difference is that he's ok with Christians and Jews dying.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Obama does what he is told.

Guffaw in AZ said...

What PH said...


Rev. Paul said...

PH & Guffaw, it does appear that way.

Ed, I concur. He's an obedient empty suit.

threecollie said...

It's a wonder we aren't all black and blue from our several times a day face palms.

Rev. Paul said...

threecollie, it's much like hitting one's head against a wall. It feels better when you stop.