18 October 2015

Remember When ...

USS William M. Wood (DD 715)

Menton, France - located halfway between Nice and Monaco - was a fantastic port of call

My apartment in Elefsina, Greece, with views up and down the street

Navy buddies Steve Maxwell, Russ Haxton, Joe Cloninger, and Rick Corbett

The Parthenon, 1974

Me playing in the squadron band, and back at the apartment

At my parents' house in '75, on my way to Adak. I was promoted to E-4 while in transit, but didn't find out for a couple of months.

Sunset in the Mediterranean, c. 1974


threecollie said...

Look at all the interesting places you have been and the things you have seen! Just awesome!

Rev. Paul said...

threecollie, that was all just in my first two years in the Navy. :)

Cathy said...

Very very cool! Thank you for our service!

Rev. Paul said...

It was my honor, Cathy.

Bob said...

Great photos!

Ed Bonderenka said...

I wonder if we crossed paths at The Parthenon that year.
I spent an evening on a rocky hilltop near it, taking pictures as the sun went down and they started lighting it up.
Jean cut-offs and a tank top and it got cold.
Turned the film in and got someones wedding pictures.
I imagine they were just as bummed as I was.

Old NFO said...

Some great throwback pics! :-)

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Bob.

Ed, it's entirely possible. My buddies & I spent a lot of time in that vicinity, that summer. It was during the oil embargo, and the ship didn't leave port for six months.

Thanks, NFO. There are lots more, but not as meaningful to others.

Sandy Livesay said...

Rev. Paul,

Great pictures!!! It's always great to capture memories in pictures.

Guffaw in AZ said...

Thanks to you and all of them for your service!


Rev. Paul said...

Agreed, Sandy. Thanks.

Guffaw, it was an honor.

Chickenmom said...

"Join the Navy and see the world!" 'Guess it really was true! :o)

Rev. Paul said...

Chickenmom, when your area of responsibility is all the world's oceans, the horizon isn't a limit. :)