Several thousand Alaskans who buy insurance on the individual market under the Affordable Care Act will see their premiums increase in 2016 at one of the highest rates in the country. The state already has the highest premiums in the nation.
Now they'll find out how much "free" really costs.
If it becomes unaffordable, the Government will have no choice but to make it free. When it's free, taxes will be raised to cover the free-ness of it.
Max, I don't think they're concerned with how uncomfortable it is; that's the goal. They've said they want to go to a single-payer gov't-run system, and put all insurance companies out of business.
That is exactly what I have been thinking for a while. They have always wanted single payer and national misery is a great way to make it seem palatable. Meanwhile, I still don't have is so stupid hard to go through the mess you have to to sign up.
Maybe this will finally persuade more to get out and vote instead of sitting home on their sofas with their noses up in the air, like they have the last two elections.
Many are suffering due to no fault of their own.
However many are getting their just rewards for their wrong thinking/voting or just plain sitting home on election day. Had all conservatives gotten out and voted the last two presidential elections, instead of whining about not getting their perfect candidate, we wouldn't be having this discussion. I have absolutely no sympathy for these people. They are finally realizing that elections have consequences.
As it stands, you're right. A single-payer system is the plan.
threecollie, I'm sorry about your situation. Personally, I'm on my third - or is it fourth? - insurance company since the gov't takeover.
Matt, agreed - and thanks.
We've had this conversation... It's ALL about going to single payer... Think VA writ even larger and more convoluted...
True, NFO, with all the disadvantages thereof ... on steroids.
I have no compunction.
We Told You So
We Told You So
We Told You So
We Told You So
We Told You So
We Told You So
We Told You So
I said from the start this had little to do with healthcare.
It has to do with 'leveling the playing field', i.e. redistribution of wealth.
In short (ahem) COMMUNISM!
And the President and the 'social democrats' in Congress are well aware of this.
The idea is to provide health care for a few of the disenfranchised, while soaking the rest of us to pay for it.
Poor-quality healthcare, at a high price for all!
And when the people rebel, force it on all of us. Because, as evil capitalist colonialists, it's all we deserve.
Equality - just like Angola.
So said the President in his book (I paraphrase).
C'mon, Guffaw: tell us how you really feel! Srsly, you're spot on - well said.
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