25 April 2016

Moving On

So we checked out of the Branson hotel a day early, and set out for my mom's house, some 90 miles away.

We stopped at the world HQ of Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, because hey, why not? It's over 500,000 sq. ft. of wonderfulness, and we spent a solid hour in the NRA's National Sporting Arms Museum. It's been a long time since I had to fight the temptation to drool ... just sayin'.

As Yogi Berra (I think) once put it, "Don't miss it if you can!"

Then we had lunch, and now we're safely ensconced at my mom's place for the rest of the week.


Old NFO said...

Enjoy the family time!

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend Paul, I feel the same way about going in a Cabella's. I could easily lose an afternoon there...

Have a great week!

drjim said...

Give Mom lots of hugs!

Chickenmom said...

Enjoy all of your Mom's home cooking and have a wonderful visit!

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, everyone. :)

Ajdshootist said...

Now you got me very pissed off and Jealouse as hell,on a brighter note i just got permision to reaplye for my FAC after loosing it last year when everyone thought i was dieing including my heart doc im just a tough old barstard as i say,have a good time will send you an email next week with some pics of by latest buy's. Andy

Sandy Livesay said...

Rev. Paul,

Enjoy your trip!

Rev. Paul said...

Andy, you'd love the museum. Anyone who admires and/or collects arms would. They range from 16th century through the modern day, and even with my limited knowledge of collectibles, I noted some million-dollar firearms. Both rifles and handguns.

Thanks, Sandy; that's the plan. :)

threecollie said...

Bass Pro, what's not to like?

Rev. Paul said...

Exactly, threecollie. :)