23 September 2017

The Week of Vacation That Wasn't

So my wife and I scheduled vacation days for this past week, as we were expecting company. That didn't pan out, but we left the vacation days on the schedule. We figured we'd get some projects done, wouldn't have to work at it too hard, and could do as we pleased, the rest of the time.

So (and you probably already know what's coming, here) last Saturday I woke up feeling as though I'd swallowed a box of razor blades during the night. For most of the last week, symptoms have included sinus drainage, hoarseness, a heavy wracking cough, sneezing, extreme fatigue ... and an inability to sleep due to the immediate onset of that heavy cough I just mentioned. Oh, did I mention that because breathing is difficult, I tend to black out and fall over if I stop breathing for a minute?

In short, it's been horribly, absolutely miserable. But a couple of days ago, it got better.

I should take this occasion to point out that "better" than "horribly, absolutely miserable" means I no longer feel like I'm dying. Now it's just a miserable, pain in the proverbial backside. Still coughing if I try to talk, and still can't come close to sleeping through the night.

Oh, we had big plans: tie up a wrap-around, railing-height wind break for the deck ... install the LED string lights on the front railing and stairs ... rake the leaves ... replace a burned-out halogen bulb in the dusk-to-dawn floodlights above the garage. You know, things like that.

Yeah, right.

We mowed most of the leaves, but did no raking. I discovered that none of the local stores have the halogen bulbs in stock. And that's pretty much it.

I supposed I'll take the optimistic view, and express the relief that since I wouldn't have been able to go to work, then at least I didn't have to call in every morning.

So today we're going to indulge ourselves with chips and our chili-and-cheese dip, and watch some movies.


threecollie said...

Darn it, I am so sorry that you were so terribly sick. What a summer (and autumn) this has been for plagues of colds and bronchitis. I hope you feel 100% and still can find some time for chores and relaxation

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, ma'am. I just hope I can actually make it work on Monday & start earning more vacation days.

Rob said...

Padre, Welcome to the Fall/Winter crud of 2017/2018. Our adult kids have had a higher then normal allergies fit this summer. I guess they are finally getting back to MN normal vs Florida normal. After all its been almost 5 years back home

LindaG said...

If you didn't want to get all that stuff done, you could have just said so, rather than get so sick! ;-)

I have never been so sick I passed out because I couldn't breathe right. I am pretty sure hubby would have had me in the hospital at that point.

Glad you seem to be on the mend, Reverend. Pray you will heal quickly!

Rev. Paul said...

Rob, it really wasn't welcome ... :) I could have gone indefinitely without the pleasure of its acquaintance.

Linda, I haven't quite passed out, but only because I've been able to grab a counter or door jamb on the way down. I'll do practically anything to avoid a hospital. Thank you, Linda.

Anonymous said...

The Sam's Club at Tikhatnu has L.E.D. dawn-to-dusk security/area lights with 3,500 lumens.
Um,no,I don't remember the price..sigh.

Rev. Paul said...

I appreciate the info, JLM - thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

You're welcome!

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

I think there is some "law" that says all vacation time will be filled with activities or events that actually prevent the use of said vacation time.

Rev. Paul said...

TB, you may be right. It's not usually a problem, as we've all but stopped making plans (apart from the "get on a plane and just go" thing). This time, however, we did almost nothing we'd talked about.