12 March 2018

Iditarod, Day 8: Update #2

Ulsom passes Petit on the way to Koyuk

ANCHORAGE (KTUU) - 11 a.m. Update:
After apparently veering off the path headed towards the Koyuk checkpoint, French musher Nic Petit has lost the lead in the 2018 Iditarod race, and is now racing to catch up with Norway's Joar Ulsom.
At some point around the midway distance between Shaktoolik and Koyuk, Petit seemed to steer his course towards land rather than the sea ice, according to the Iditarod's GPS locations. He then had to backtrack over the distance he had run, and correct his course towards the checkpoint.
During this period, musher Mitch Seavey, also among those realistically vying for the championship, was resting where Petit had previously rested his dogs.
Now, Petit is rushing to catch Ulsom, with neither musher having reached the Koyuk checkpoint yet.


Old NFO said...

Ouch, that's going to come back haunt him!

Rev. Paul said...

Concur. (I'm surprised you didn't "go there" and say bite him.)

Suz said...

I really enjoy that you do this each year. Makes it much more fun then just learning who the winner is.
Thank you for taking the time. :)

Rev. Paul said...

It's my pleasure, Suz. Nice to know that others enjoy the competition, too. :)