28 May 2018

Long Days

It's the time of year we Alaskans live for: long days with almost no darkness.

Nearly 22 hours of visible light, and the summer solstice is still over three weeks away. 

We're lovin' this. :)


LindaG said...

We loved being able to fish all night and not need a lantern. The garden loved it, too. :-)

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

So curious, Reverend: do you actually find yourself doing more with more sunlight, or is a nuisance after a while?

Old NFO said...

Love teeing off at midnight and finishing a round of golf at 0400... LOL

12Paws said...

Very cool. I'm jealous. We get about 17 here in mid-Michigan. I've always wanted a trip to Alaska in June so I could stay up all night in the sunlight!

Rev. Paul said...

That's it exactly, Linda; it gets dusky, this far south, but never gets dark for three or four weeks.

TB, it depends on the need. If you want to do things outside, the light is wonderful. Otherwise, you just go about your business with a song in your heart. :)

NFO, I haven't golfed, but my golfing friends say the same thing.

12Paws, it's certainly a novel experience for those from farther south. Come on up!

drjim said...

I noticed a definite shift in the amount of daylight by "just" moving from 33*N to 42*N.

I can just imagine what it's like "Up North".

Rev. Paul said...

Jim, we live a ways north of 61°. The true "sun doesn't set" is north of the Arctic Circle, but we come pretty close.