03 June 2018

A Warm Day, Followed By ...

It hit 67 at the ol' homestead yesterday, and 72 or 73 in Anchorage (depending on who you ask). Followed by an actual thunderstorm. To say they're rare up here is faint description: we've heard thunder perhaps six or seven times in 15 years.

But the temps dropped 10 degrees, then 15, in a short period of time. The thunder started a ways off, echoing through the mountains and valleys, before it got to us. But then the rain started.

It wasn't a gully-washer, not in the Midwestern or Texas sense. But it was a harder rain than we usually get, with enough wind to require closing windows on the windward side.

At least we got all the raking done in the front yard before the rain arrived. That's a good thing.

* * * * *

And now, God's Word for today:

A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.
Proverbs 15:1 (MSG)


LindaG said...

Nice weather! :-)
I know, the grass is always greener. ;-)
We hit 95 or so yesterday (with whatever humidity). I do miss Alaska's dry air.
Today it is cloudy. Temp about 87. And thunder. No rain. Just thunder. I call it heat thunder. :-)

And the Word of the day? So very true, as always.
Thank you, Reverend. :-)

Rev. Paul said...

95, or 87, is still too warm for me, Linda. I remember "heat thunder" from the Midwest. Thanks!