07 June 2018

TBT: Back in the Day

My sister was kind enough to scan an old caricature from my Navy days. The date on the drawing is Jan. 1974, so I'd only been on board the ship for about six weeks. We'd just returned from my first cruise, if memory serves.


Ed Bonderenka said...

You actually LOOK like a sailor in that picture.

LindaG said...

Haha. Great! And agree, it does look like an old salt. :-)
Or is salty dig preferred? :-)

LindaG said...

UGH! That was supposed to say Salty Dog. Good grief.

Rev. Paul said...

Ed - it's good to know the drawing captured the reality. :)

Linda - I actually joked with a shipmate, on that day, about being salty. The hatch above the berthing compartment leaked a bit, when greenies washed across the fantail. I had saltwater stains on some uniforms.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Great Picture!

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, TB. :)

threecollie said...

That is pretty neat!

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, ma'am.

Old NFO said...

Somebody was good! :-)

Rev. Paul said...

He was very good; just a 50-ish guy with a charcoal pencil & a large sketch pad.