28 August 2018

Alaska Headlines

Trucker killed in Dalton Highway rollover was the only woman hauling fuel tankers to the North Slope

A Dalton Highway veteran said to be the only woman driving fuel tankers to Alaska's Prudhoe Bay oil fields died in a rollover crash early Friday morning.

Authorities on Monday identified the driver as Joy Wiebe, 50, a Fairbanks resident and transport driver for many years. The crash occurred about 31 miles south of Deadhorse.

Colville, the transport company Wiebe was working for, issued a statement saying they were "mourning the tragic death" of an employee.

Wiebe was hauling a 59-foot tanker with 9,700 gallons of diesel fuel bound for Prudhoe just before 11:30 p.m. Thursday when the tractor went off a soft shoulder and down a steep embankment, according to the statement.

Alaska elections officials report voting ‘irregularities’ in East Anchorage House District primary

The Alaska Division of Elections said Monday it is investigating absentee ballot irregularities in a primary race for an east Anchorage state House district — including absentee ballot applications sent in under the names of people who are dead, and votes cast in the name of at least two people who said they had never actually voted.

... In addition, the state received seven absentee ballot applications from the district for people who were deceased, according to the statement.


Rob said...

Sorry to hear about the trucker. Are you surprised about the voter fraud?? The LEFT will blame the Russians....

Rev. Paul said...

The voter fraud doesn't surprise me in the least, nor does the particular candidate involved. I expressed my lack of anything resembling a good impression where she is involved, here on the blog a number of years ago. Only one of her followers ever left a comment about it.

threecollie said...

Voting irregularities. Imagine that.

Rev. Paul said...

Who'da thunk it?

LindaG said...

Condolences to all who knew the trucker. May God comfort them