16 September 2018

Autumn in Alaska


Vicki said...

Beautiful. My favorite season.

drjim said...

Your leaves are turning already?

Wow...that means ours can't be far behind.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

After three days of record breaking heat along the Front Range, I say bring it on!

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Great pictures Reverend. And yes, my favorite feeling as well.

Rev. Paul said...

Vicki, I'm a fan of winter, but fall isn't far behind.

Jim, half of our leaves have already fallen. It's here early, this year.

WSF, you guys need some relief - I hope you get it.

TB, thanks.

threecollie said...

Lovely! We went up into the mountains yesterday and I was amazed at the degree to which the leaves were turning. It's coming....

Rev. Paul said...

Indeed, ma'am. We'll have lows in the 30s for most of the upcoming week; it's not far away, now.