02 September 2018

My Dogs are Barking

I put in an eight-hour shift at the store today. Even though I changed registers fairly frequently, it's a long time for me to stand.

Feet are sore, but now I'm home, so that will be getting better shortly. Ah, well, it's a minor inconvenience and affords a goodly portion of the income I lost when my old job evaporated.

Things could be a lot worse, after all.


Old NFO said...

This is true, and we DO like to actually buy/afford things, which prompts people like us to go find work... sigh

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Age has caught up with me and I can't stand for long periods. Unfortunate, as there are a lot of high paying flagger jobs going begging and I like being outside.

Rev. Paul said...

NFO - concur. Working beats breaking even on expenses, so ... here we are.

WSF - I hear you. I've done enough damage to my knees over the years that standing is not easy, anymore.

Rob said...

I feel your pain. I walked the other day, not that far, but I was feeling it for several days. I just got to the point I needed to get outside, before our fluffy season starts. feel better

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Rob. I understand. Feet, knee, lower back (dating back to Navy days) ... the list of parts which ache from standing is longer than it used to be.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

And this it what keeps me up and going, bills to pay...

Rev. Paul said...

Agreed, TB. The motivation is sufficient.