01 September 2018

The Only Constant is Change

Elder Daughter decided to replace her mattress, a couple of weeks ago. She's been on a full-size setup which was purchased several years ago.

We were all surprised when she came from a day of making furniture store rounds, and told us that no one sells full-size mattresses anymore.

Nope, no longer available.

So she gritted her teeth and invested in a new queen-size bedroom suite, memory foam mattress, the whole nine yards.  She and I spent the morning assembling the bed, with under-storage (drawers which close flush), headboard and footboard. Each box seemed to be heavier, and then there's the two flights of stairs between the staging/opening area in the garage, and her third-floor bedroom.

But we got 'er done. After lunch of freshly-grilled brats, we took a truckload of cardboard, styrofoam and other packing materials to the landfill, and headed back to the furniture store some 20 miles away.

Why? She didn't know if she'd need box springs, since the bed rails are somewhat taller than the norm. Turned out she wanted one, so off we went.

Turned out it was a good day to go: she won a mountain bike for having purchased the furniture and mattress, so they tossed it in the truck along with the springs.

Fortunately, the box springs are in a plastic bag rather than another box. It would have been irksome to return from our take-all-the-cardboard-to-the-dump run with another large box...

But all is finished, she's happy, and my wife is grilling burgers. That's a win-win-win!


drjim said...

Well done, sir!

LindaG said...

They stll sell them in the lower 48; but she will be happy with the queen.
So much room! :-)

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Jim.

She already is, Linda. :) Thanks.

Ed Bonderenka said...

My memory foam mattress is about 15 yrs old.
I thought of replacing it since it is sinking in the middle a little.
Sleeping in motel rooms on a recent vacation cured me of wanting a new one.
But it had occurred to me that with all the on-line mattress companies offering money back guarantees, I could sleep free and try every one for a couple years.

Ed Bonderenka said...

And congrats on the win, and the grilling!

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Ed. You raise and interesting point re: the money-back guarantees. Hmm.

LindaG said...

Ed, we had a mattress like you describe. It had "grown to fit us". If you experience any back or neck pains, you should replace your mattress. We did. And even though we miss the old one, we sleep better. One of our sons used the mattress about 6 monthz. When we tossed it, it was literally falling apart. The insides had been disintegrating for some time, I suspect.