But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
2 Peter 3:10-11 KJV
But when the Day of God’s Judgment does come, it will be unannounced, like a thief. The sky will collapse with a thunderous bang, everything disintegrating in a huge conflagration, earth and all its works exposed to the scrutiny of Judgment. Since everything here today might well be gone tomorrow, do you see how essential it is to live a holy life? Daily expect the Day of God, eager for its arrival. The galaxies will burn up and the elements melt down that day—but we’ll hardly notice. We’ll be looking the other way, ready for the promised new heavens and the promised new earth, all landscaped with righteousness.
2 Peter 3:10-11 MSG
Boy howdy! How did you manage to post this passage on this day? You guys ok?
Just heard on the news - praying all are safe - if you can, please keep us posted!
Looking forward to an update when you can, Reverend.
May God watch over you all.
Yow - just saw news. Update us when you can.
We’re okay, but our house got a bit of damage. Lots of dishes smashed. Broken glass everywhere. No power or water. Regrouping now. Lots of aftershocks.
We'll be praying you get through this, Rev Paul.
Amen to that.
The water is back on, so that’s an improvement. Please pray that the power may be restored quickly, and that there are no more aftershocks. Thank you, everyone. Your prayers make a huge difference.
We're praying that you and your daughters are safe. - Brigid
Thank you so much.
All - I haven’t yet figured out how to write a post from here on my phone. So I will just tell you that posting will be suspended until the power is restored, and a major cleanup has taken place around the house. I’ll get back to it when I can. Thank you so much for your prayers and support, and for thinking of Is.
Heard about it on the radio as I was driving to a patient's house today. Immediately thought of you and your family. glad to hear you are all well. Everything else is just stuff and can be fixed.
We will be here when you can get here.
Take care!!
Thank you, Suz.
Thanks be to God that you are OK! BTW--love your banner.
Thank you, 12paws. Glad you like the banner, too.
You are in our prayers my friend.
Thank you, Ed.
**HUGS** Glad to hear y'all are okay, and that you have water and power to boil it with.
We'll keep you in our prayers, and you stay safe, you hear?
Thank you, Wing. I know you understand, and that helps. We’re going into clean up mode tomorrow.
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