For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
Romans 13:6 KJV
That’s also why you pay taxes—so that an orderly way of life can be maintained. Fulfill your obligations as a citizen. Pay your taxes, pay your bills, respect your leaders.
Romans 13:6 MSG
Some leaders are easier to respect than others. And then I ask God for patience and forgiveness.
Thank you, Reverend! :)
If not the officeholder, then at least the office. That's what they say...
Oh yes. I always respect the office. And that is what I remind when talking with others. :)
Pay the taxes you owe - but then vote for those who charge the least taxes (or alternatively, lower your income and lower your taxes).
Nothing worse than a government that sees its citizens as tax donkeys.
Correct, TB. "That government is best which charges you the least amount of blackmail for leaving you alone."
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