01 December 2018

About Those Aftershocks

We're nearing 300 aftershocks following yesterday's big 'quake. They're hitting every 5 to 15 minutes, and sometimes more frequently.

We are truly tired of this already, but USGS says this could go on for quite awhile.


drjim said...

The aftershocks help relieve the stress in the fault. Very annoying, but part of the process.

Rev. Paul said...

We know, Jim. But with 80% or more of the population suffering PTSD from the 'quake, it's unrelenting flashbacks, anxiety, panic attacks, stress, and sleeplessness.

ProudHillbilly said...

That's got to be so hard on the nerves, plus impares clean up. Hope whatever fault snapped gets itself sorted out soon.

LindaG said...

PTSD is understandable.

I thank God no one was killed and hope He will lend his comfort to all.

Still praying for you all, Reverend.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Is there a known fault there Reverend?

Man, that is a lot of aftershocks.

drjim said...

Yeah, I can imagine everybody there being stressed-out every time another shock rolls through.

Here's hoping things settle down in the next couple of days.....

Rev. Paul said...

PH, everyone here is a nervous wreck now. We act normal, most of the time, but everybody jumps at any loud percussive noise. Irritability is also a byproduct.

Thanks, Linda.

TB, yes. Alaska is one large interlaced system of faults in all directions.

drjim, you've got it. We can only hope that the things stop soon.